Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thayne Jasperson (Jen-this post is for you)

I'm freaking out!! When I go to Tuachan this weekend for Tuachan and we will be taking dance workshops, my teacher said we will probably have Thayne as a teacher!!! HOLY CRAP. He is the most amazing dancer ever. And he's a fantastic singer too. If any of you saw Footloose at Tuachan, he played Ren. He was also in Cats and Tarzan. He will be in Grease and Little Mermaid too. I hate to get my hopes but he might be teaching my dance workshop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Um.....what the???? I am so happy that I just turned 14. I will be down there taking classes. Annie! Your dreams are really coming true this year. Oh wait...that's MY dream. Oh, take a million pictures and my jealousy knows no bounds. I'm screaming right now (and crying)!
