Monday, February 27, 2012

14 Years Ago February 26

I thought I would show some pictures of my dad, yesterday Sunday the 26th is the anniversary day when he passed away. Sorry the photos are blury and or/ have a glare.


  1. Your Dad is the best! These pictures made me smile.

  2. He sure loved you guys and your mom!

  3. Loved seeing these photos. Wish I could have met him. I have heard great things about him!

  4. I love all these pictures and love your Dad!

  5. These pictures were so fun to look at. Willie was the best. I can't believe it's been 14 years.

  6. Oh, what great pictures! I really wish I could have met him but I've heard so much about him that I feel like I know him already. We love you guys!

  7. Your Dad was the greatest. I can't believe it's been that long since he's been gone. Wish he could have been here to see how cute you guys turned out, but I believe he has seen it from another spot and is so stinkin' proud of what great kids you turned into!
