Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Being Sick

Starting Tuesday morning, at 5:00 AM, Jesse apparently threw up. Then my mom woke me up at about 6 or something to take a shower, but I was more tired than normal. I wanted to sleep so bad! So after I got out of the shower I begged my mom to let me go to sleep, I was really tired. Next thing I know I wake up throwing up. (Sorry for posting about throwing up.) So anyway Jesse and I stayed home from school Tuesday and are home today (Wednesday). It's the worst. BUT, on the bright side.....I finished season 3 of Lost and have 3 episodes left to finish season 4!!!! I think I have seen 16 episodes. I will probably finish season 4 today. And the wierd thing is me and Jesse have never stayed home sick on the same day before. And you know how when you have the flu or something like that, then no food sounds good, or maybe just 1 or 2 things sound good? So normally when I have the flu I just want crackers but even those sounded gross. So me or Jesse couldn't eat anything all day Tuesday. Until this one episode of lost when somebody was eating cantelope, and we both thought it sounded soooo good. So we got cantelope. Kind of random but it's the only thing we both wanted. Which is also wierd that we both wanted the same thing. Sorry if this post made you sick.

Oh yeah! I was browsing pintrest and I found these little sayings. They made me laugh out loud...I don't know if it's because I am sick and a little loopy...or if I would have found them funny anway. Enjoy.


  1. You're so funny Annie. I wish I was home (not sick, but home) with you to watch Lost. I am dying to get out of work and go watch it and catch back up with you.

    Hope you and Jesse feel better soon!

  2. Okay what is going on with SLC and everyone being sick, yuuuuucccckkkkk. Sick, sick, sick.

  3. OOOOOH> I had this same sickness and you are right--you have NO appetite at all. Aiden and I didn't eat for two days straight! Glad you got to get some Lost time in though--poor Jin!

    Love ya!
