Friday, June 3, 2011

Real or Prank?

DUDE! I was freaked out today! And being me I kept freaking myself out by creating the worst possible scenario. I was at dress rehearsal tonight for my dance preformance. It was at Murray High School. So I get this phone call from just a regular looking number and they were like.

"We just got an emergency hang up call from this number is there an emergancy?"

Me-"No, no I didn't, no theres not, no everythings okay, im so sorry..."

"Okay what is your location?"

"Murray High School"

Then they asked if there was any emergency people there or anything, I can't remember how he phrased it. Then I said no. Then asked for my first and last name. As soon as I hung up I felt like the BIGGEST IDIO ALIVE! Duh it was probably some creeper! Then I was scaring myself to death! So luckily one of the dance teachers there is in my neighborhood and drove me home right then. Then my next door neighbor who is in my young womens came over and I told her and so she called the number back.

PHEW! It really was the fire and police department. I just thought it was a creep because the caller id wasn't 911 or anything like that. You don't want to know the scenarios I created!

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