Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Finally, Spring is here!!! Hopefully it doesn't storm anymore, but I think we may just have a few more. Well around this time, many people do a complete "de-junking" of their house. Otherwise known as Spring Cleaning. It can be overwhelming to think about, but like most big projects you just need to take baby steps.

First thing you should do is grab a notebook and go around each room in your house. Take a few minutes to write down the problem areas in that room. What you write on your list should be things that really bug you that you would like to change. Like a stack of shoes by the front door, or a pile of papers on the kitchen counter. Carefully inspect each room in this process.

When you are done with your list, sit down and see what you can do to change it. Then write down what items you need to by to keep it organzed. Ex: Shoe rack. In many cases though, you need to GET RID of more things and not buy more.

Take small steps at a time. Help get the whole family involved. It may take some habit changing. It might take a while before you remember to put yor keys on the new key holder, but don't give up!

Parts of your home not to forget!!!
•Junk drawers
•Medicine cabinets
•Storage, including attic, basements, crawlspace

Remember, take small steps, don't get frustrated, and keep the family involved!!!


  1. Annie... we think alike. I just did my spring cleaning this past weekend. I love going through each room, closet, cupboard, drawer and de-junking. It feels so good to finish and see the end result. Good post!

  2. I've got to get started. I do the whole house too and once I get going it's fine, but it takes me a couple of months and it's hard, but the results are great!

    I do love dejunking as you know (you have been my partner in crime, many, many times.

  4. I need a big SHOVEL and I need to get started immediately.
