Friday, April 29, 2011

I despise Jake.

Seriously. I CAN NOT stand him. I don't even know why he's aloud to go a on a mission because I thought you were supposed to be kind of nice. Even remotely nice. Apparently not! Then he always wonders why I don't like him. Gosh he makes me so mad. He has a horrible attitude and he is a stuck up self centered arogant person who actsl ike he's 12 years old. One case sinerio. Just a regular Friday, I am just around the house playing piano, wiping the counter just mosing around. He has a friend over and their playing x box. Jake lost his phone sometime earlier today. So when they were getting ready to leave Matt is calling his phone and stuff so we can find it but its on vibrate. So I get up and start looking for it, even though he didn't even ask for help. So I hear vibrating, go over and pick it up. "I'm like is your phone pink?" Cause I thought he had a black phone but I guess I hadn't seen him change phones. Jakes reaction? -Oh you stole it and hid it from me! Huh cause you were mad at me for taking the x-box.

??????????????????? Oh that makes perfect sense. NOT.
So I was like no I didn't I just heard it vibrating! And he just kept going on and on yelling at me Liar over and over again because nobody else can be right. And he goes on and on about how I stole his phone and then I 'felt bad' so I pretended to find it. Yeah I'm sure. I am so sick of him. He is the meanest brother, he doesn't know how to act like a normal person.
I know you might of thought that post sounded funny but if you think about it he really is being mean. A normal person would have been like "Oh thanks you found my phone" And then they would have left and gone where they needed to go. But jake had to stay and yell at me forever. He is rude. Don't like him.


  1. Ha ha ha...oh Annie you make me laugh. Brothers can be mean :)

  2. He'll grow up one day Annie-we've all been jerks (and I still am) at times. siblings are annoying though.

  3. I posted a comment but it didn't show up.... I don't know what happened to it. Anyways... your story made me laugh. Its the worst fighting with your siblings. I remember always fighting with my sister!
