Tuesday, October 18, 2011


You may think about it alot, and it may only cross your mind every once in a while. But one of the big things that sets the mood in your home in the smell! Whether it be cookies, a candle, sentsy, or pumpkin pie! Smell can also trigger back memories in your brain, and remind you of a time when you perhaps smelled that smell, or ate that food that you are smelling! Keep your home smelling nice with sentsy. Or if you want your kids to be in a good mood when they get home from school, have brownies in the oven baking!


  1. Annie... I agree with you. Now that it is fall I have gotten all my fall stuff out and candles and it makes me in SUCH a good mood to smell it. Its so true.

  2. Agree!! I love smelling pumpkin around this time of year...automatically puts me in a good mood.
