Friday, February 10, 2012

Call Me Obsessed

You can call me obsessed or an Lost...because it's true. I am starting a Lost Blog. Not that it will be a hit or anything, or that it will have anything new that other Lost blogs don't already have. It's more for me to express my thoughts on each episode or whatever. And anybody is free to make guest posts whenever they like. Seriously, guest posts would be ideal. And maybe I will not have to text someone every time something crazy happens. I just need to freak out to someone! I text Becky, Rich, Peter, Kelsi, Jenny, and 2 people from my ward who have seen it.

Please visit:

And I expect all you lost viewers to make a guest post once in a while. On whatever you want, or I will give you a topic. Or, we can do video interviews. I will no longer have to post about Lost on this blog.


  1. Rich will do a guest post! We are already talking about what his topic should be! Let us know how to be a guest blogger. What a fun idea!

  2. You are so funny Annie! I will def visit your new blog on Lost. We loved Lost. I have already forgotten a lot about it so hopefully your blog will help remind me of the certain episodes.
