Friday, March 11, 2011

Jeaslousy times a billion trillion.

For all of you dear friends who are in Las Vegas right now at the Donny and Marie show, and you would be there right now percicesly. Just so you know I am at my house freaking out wishing I was there even though I already went but , that is beside the point. I would go see that show every week if I could! Anyway, just know that I am FREAKING JEALOUS OF YOU. Admit it. It was better than you thought it would be. It is an absoloutely super fantastic wonderful show right?!? Ahh. I am having memories of the show. Donny walking around on the tables. OH MAN i'm jealous! And talking about it makes me more jealous. OH IF I LIVED IN VEGAS.... then I would get a job and go see their show all the time! Hahahahaha.


  1. Annie Girl! Wish you could have been there with us. It was a lot of fun and I must admit--better than I thought. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Ask Izzy--she might not agree.

  2. We missed having you guys in Vegas. Jen is right, it was a lot of fun.
