Sunday, March 13, 2011


Just finished the play Willie Wonka at my school. Glad it's over. Honestly my school doesn't do good plays. I just thought I should do it.( Hence my earlier posts on activities! ) But I had more fun than I thought I would. Met new people, laughed alot, and had fun. I was Mrs. Gloop, Agustus's mom. I had a german accent. It was pretty funny. Me and all the other "main" characters got good at adlibing on certain scenes. It was just funny. Glad it's over though! It was hard to have a show of Willie Wonka, then the next morning go to Cats rehersal. Too quick of a transition. Now I can just focus on Cats. But now that Wonka is finally over, I have Cats rehersal every night. Its fun though. Way tiring! Have a good week! :)


  1. I need to hear your German accent. I bet it was hillarious. Schools usually put on kind of "stinky" plays don't they? I bet you guys did a great job.

  2. Sounds like you are staying super busy. Cats sounds like a fun play to be in. I have never seen that play but I would like to some day!
